You should Know this Before you Take a Small Nap after Lunch

 Do you feel sleepy right after lunch? then, you should know this before you take a small nap after Lunch! / Is it good to have Naps after Lunch? 

If you feel sleepy after eating lunch, it is considered a reduction. It is due to the food we eat.

Do you feel sleepy right after lunch? then, you should know this before you take a small nap after Lunch! / Is it good to have Naps after Lunch?

No matter how good a night's sleep you get or not, a few minutes nap in the afternoon can be extremely refreshing. Taking a 15 to 30-minute nap called a nap refreshes the body and mind and keeps you active for the rest of the day.

Some people, from children to adults, get sleepy eyes right after having lunch. Is it normal to feel sleepy after having lunch? If not! This is a type of disorder called an eating disorder. A nap in the afternoon often turns into a long nap and is very tiring. Not only that, how can you sleep in college and office? Let's see what to do to stay awake after lunch.

If you feel sleepy after lunch, follow these three things.

1. Include protein rich foods

2. Eat fewer starchy foods

3. At lunch time, some foods are dangerous and should be avoided

In general, if you eat a little too much rice at lunch time, you will feel lethargic. So don't eat too much starchy food at midday. Do not avoid carb foods completely for that. Along with rice or chapati, protein rich foods should be taken.

Non-vegetarian foods are rich in protein. So chicken, mutton or fish can be grilled, boiled, toasted and included in lunch without grilling. The protein content in it not only gives you energy but also makes you consume fewer calories. Also, it prevents tiredness and sleepiness in the afternoon.

Next to this, eating a combination of vegetables and fruits will improve your mental health and well-being.

Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins and antioxidants. These will keep you fresh. This will prevent you from falling asleep.

Eating the right foods is important

A balanced diet can include some rice, eggs, non-vegetarian food, some non-vegetarian food, and vegetables and spinach. Vegetables can also be eaten boiled or cooked as a joint. By this you can avoid napping in the afternoon.

Most people think of rice, potatoes, or chapati when they think of starch. But apart from rice, some other dishes made with maida flour are also high in starch.

For example, If you say that you don't need any of my regular meals or mini-meals and rice dishes for lunch;  you will have noodles or a burger or a mini pizza instead, then these foods have more calories and more starch than your usual lunch. If you eat these, you will immediately roll your eyes and fall asleep. So you should completely avoid pizza, noodles, burger, pavbhaji, breads and fried foods at lunch time.

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