How to properly apply a bandage to a wound? / Bandaging techniques to Prevent infection

How to properly apply a bandage to a wound..? Follow these steps to prevent infection / Bandaging techniques / First Aid 

When the wound is treated with medication and bandaged at home, they can sometimes cause infection and aggravate the wound.

How to properly apply a bandage to a wound..? Follow these steps to prevent infection / Bandaging techniques / First Aid

Minor injuries are common in everyday life. Therefore, without visiting to big hospitals, we can perform first aid at home and treat the injury. So when you apply medicine to the wound at home and apply a bandage, they sometimes cause infection in the wound and increase the severity of the ulcer.

This is because we don't follow the right instructions... so follow these instructions to prevent this from happening again.

How to bandage a wound without getting infected..? How do you apply bandages step by step?

First Aid - Stop Bleeding : 

First, if the wound is deep, it is necessary to stop the bleeding. You can use ice cubes for this. Or press with a sponge. Once this is done the bleeding will stop.

Clean the wound : 

After the bleeding stops, first clean the injured area thoroughly. For this, open the tap and expose the injured area to running water for 1 minute. To avoid post-infection, pour antiseptic liquid into a bowl and clean the wound.

Correct choice of bandage : 

Bandage should be selected according to the injury. If your injury is mild, a round bandage is sufficient. Depending on the injury, pressure bandage, moleskin, gauze bandage etc. can be used.

Apply Bandage on wound: 

Remove the bandage strip and apply the bandage firmly, but not tightly, and secure the end by folding it over and tying a knot in the end. You can also use a safety pin, tape or a bandage clip. as soon as the bandage is on, ask if it feels too tight and check the circulation by pressing on a fingernail or a piece of skin until it turns pale.

Types of Bandage: 

Use roller bandages, tuber bandages, tri-angle bandages, tape bandages etc. depending on the extent of the injury. The bandage can also be cut into a T-shape, X-shape or crisscross shape.

First aid is important : 

To avoid infection, you should get a tetanus shot. You can consult a doctor for this.

Bandaging FAQs:

Should a bandage be applied directly over a wound?

Healthcare professionals usually apply a topical antibiotic ointment to a scrape or small cut, and then cover it with gauze or a bandage. This keeps new skin and other cells alive. It also helps protect the area from dirt, germs and further injury and may feel more comfortable than leaving a wound open.

Why we need to follow the proper techniques for bandaging?

It is important to do the proper bandaging technique when using and administering first aid on a wound or injury. The main goal of placing a bandage on an injury is for immobilization, protection, support or compression. If the bandaging technique is not done properly, it could exacerbate the damage.

When should you stop covering a wound?

You should keep a wound moist and covered for about five days. Change the bandage daily (or more, if the cut reopens or begins bleeding again).

How long should you leave a bandage on a wound?

Leave the bandage in place and dry for 24 hours. When removing the bandage after 24 hours, and it feels like the bandage is sticking to your wound, pour water onto the bandage to get it wet and gently and slowly remove the bandage. If you rip the bandage off while it is stuck it can start bleeding.

What can result if a bandage is applied too tightly?

A bandage that's too tight can cut off circulation completely. Swelling at either end of the bandage, numbness or tingling, or discoloration means the bandage is too tight and needs to be adjusted. - Leave the fingers and toes unwrapped, exposed, and free to move.

What are the signs of wound healing?

A scar forms and the wound becomes stronger. As healing continues, you may notice that the area itches. After the scab falls off, the area may look stretched, red, and shiny. The scar that forms will be smaller than the original wound.

Do wounds heal faster when you sleep? / How do you speed up wound healing?

When you close your eyes and fall asleep, your brain can attend to other issues within the body. If there are areas that need to heal, the brain can trigger the release of hormones that encourage tissue growth to repair blood vessels. This helps wounds to heal faster but also restores sore or damaged muscles.

How do you know if a wound isn't healing?

Signs your wound isn't healing properly

  1. Excessive redness and swelling.
  2. Continued bleeding.
  3. Slow or no signs of healing.
  4. Pain that doesn't subside.
  5. Warm or hot skin that doesn't abate after a day or two.
  6. Discharge from the wound (especially yellow or green)
  7. Foul odor.

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