Children under 12 Shouldn't drink Coffee, and limited to one cup a day until 18, says Medical Research

Children under 12 should not drink coffee, and an Adult should be limited to one cup, says medical research

  • The use of caffeine in children include its effects on the development of the neurological and cardiovascular systems and the risk of physical dependence and addiction.
  • The American Academy of Pediatrics also advises teens to limit their consumption of the drink to just one cup a day.
  • Caffeine is not only present in coffee. Soft drinks, energy drinks and isotonic drinks, which seek to provide an extra dose of energy, are also harmful to children and adolescents.
  • Coffee diminishes child development by disrupting the sleep habits of children and adolescents.

Despite many studies proving the health benefits of drinking coffee, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has advised that the drink should not be consumed by children before 12 years of age. During adolescence, coffee consumption should be limited to one cup.

Children under 12 should not drink coffee, and an Adult should be limited to one cup, says medical research

A study conducted by researchers at the Boston Medical Center in the United States shows that regular doses of caffeine for children are harmful.

According to the researchers, the harmful effects of the substance seen in adults are even more impactful in children. The explanation is that coffee overloads the metabolism of developing individuals because they have a lower body weight.

According to scientists, coffee consumption by children can have the following consequences:

  • Increased heart rate (tachycardia);
  • Elevated blood pressure;
  • Anxiety symptoms;
  • Problems sleeping;
  • gastric problems;
  • In high doses, it can be toxic.

In an article published in the Journal of Human Lactation, the medical entity cites a 2005 survey by the American Association of Poison Control Centers that recorded more than 4,600 reports of problems related to caffeine consumption – 2,600 of which, involved patients under 19 years of age.

“Additional concerns regarding the use of caffeine in children include its effects on the development of the neurological and cardiovascular systems and the risk of physical dependence and addiction. Because of the potentially harmful adverse effects and developmental effects of caffeine, intake should be discouraged for all children.

Adverse growth effects of Coffee consumption among children 

Coffee also diminishes child development by disrupting the sleep habits of children and adolescents. Little ones need more sleep because their brains are still developing and, while they sleep, their bodies release growth and muscle-building hormones. The excitement promoted by coffee hinders this process.

Experts also warn that coffee is often accompanied by sugar, which increases the risk of type 2 diabetes and obesity.

Coffee consumption guidelines

Due to the risks, the AAP advises that coffee consumption is allowed only from 12 years of age. It also suggests that, until the age of 18, consumption should be limited to less than one small cup a day, the equivalent of 100 mg of coffee. For healthy adults, 400 mg daily is recommended.

Experts remind you that caffeine is not only present in coffee. Soft drinks, energy drinks and isotonic drinks, which seek to provide an extra dose of energy, are also harmful to children and adolescents.

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