How Keeping Good bacteria in your Gut affects the Whole Body?

Keeping the gut healthy affects the whole body: pesticides and ultra-processed products are among the 'enemies' of health

Studies indicate that the human brain weighs around 900 grams. The sum of the good and bad bacteria in the gut weighs between 2 and 3 pounds. In other words, within each of us there is a universe (overpopulated) that is just beginning to be explored. The bad news is that this universe is not going very well.

How Keeping Good bacteria in your Gut affects the Whole Body? / Health issues associated to the raise of Bad bacteria in our Gut,  Poop shows that if you have good gut bacteria, repopulate the gut with good bacteria

American researcher and cardiologist William Davis states, in the book “Superintestine” (Editor Sextante), that, with the abusive use of antibiotics, consumption of pesticides, food increasingly rich in ultra-processed foods, among other factors, good gut bacteria have been eliminated and are being replaced by the bad ones.

Health issues associated to the raise of Bad bacteria in our Gut:

“When you lose healthy microbes, unhealthy ones can proliferate, fungal or fecal species for example. I imagine half the US population has these microbes going up into the small intestine, with unhealthy species. The bacteria only lives for a few hours, but when it dies, it releases components into the bloodstream,” explains Davis.

This situation where the population of bacterial species from the intestines rises to the digestive tract can cause a varied list of problems. And among the indicative signs are: drops of fat in the toilet, intolerance to foods with prebiotic fibers (legumes, fruits and vegetables, for example), food intolerances, conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, restless legs syndrome, skin rashes. persistent or recurrent disorders, use of stomach acid inhibitor medications, hypothyroidism, and history of abdominal surgery, neurodegenerative diseases or any other autoimmune or inflammatory disease.

According to the doctor, this malignant microflora is behind several health problems, such as autoimmune diseases, fatty liver, irritable bowel syndrome, skin rashes, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases, depression and anxiety and restless legs syndrome, obesity and diabetes. .

— The impact is so great that all human diseases should be reconsidered in light of the microbiome contributions. It's revolutionary, it changes everything we knew. That's the bad part. The good news is, amazing things happen if you restore the lost part of these good microbes.

Your Poop shows that if you have good gut bacteria or not:

A healthy gut makes predominantly brown poop that should fall somewhere in between medium to dark brown. If your poop is a different color, such as green, black, red, or yellow (and you haven't eaten a highly colored food like beetroot) then your gut might be misbehaving and you should get it checked out.

Time taken to repopulate the gut with good bacteria:

Building back a healthy microbiome can take up to 6 months if you adopt the correct healthy habits ( such as diet, good exercise, plenty of sleep and stress management – and also potentially supplements) however it is a long term plan because you need to continue these habits daily to maintain a healthy gut microbiome.

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