Gas in stomach is considered a common complaint among men, women of all ages and even among children, gas is also recognized as a benign manifestation whose origin is the presence of excess air or other gases in the digestive tract. One of its most common presentations, flatulence, is present in 15% to 30% of the general population.
Although it can cause pain, discomfort and even embarrassment, and is also related to conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome, most of the time the problem can be controlled with lifestyle changes, especially the adoption of a diet known as FODMAP, characterized by reduced consumption of foods such as beans, grains and sugars. Physical and posture exercises are also part of the treatment plan.
What are gases in Stomach?
They are defined as substances that have neither shape nor size, but can occupy a certain space.
The gases found in the digestive system have two origins: the extra air we swallow (oxygen) and those produced by the process of food degradation in the intestine, that is, by bacterial metabolism (hydrogen, methane and carbon dioxide).
Why does gas formed in stomach?
Naturally present in the upper and lower parts of the digestive tract, when excessive, gases are expelled through the mouth and/or anus.
In the first case, this process is called eructation (belching); in the second it is known as flatulence.
This higher amount of gas can be related to several factors such as eating habits, digestive or psychosocial problems, intestinal infections and medication use. Check out some examples:
– Consumption of bullets, chewing gum
– Drinking carbonated drinks
– Use of drugs in their effervescent form (another example is metformin)
– Anxiety
– Ill-fitting dentures
– Post-nasal drip (excess local mucus)
– Irritable bowel syndrome
– Parasites
– Gastroesophageal reflux
– gastric inflammation
– Anatomical changes resulting from surgeries that favor intestinal flora imbalance
– Intestinal flora imbalance
– Celiac disease
– Weakening of the abdominal muscles (post-pregnancy)
– Consumption of certain foods (wheat bran, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, beans)
– Ingestion of milk and its derivatives (lactose intolerance)
– Consumption of items containing sorbitol, saccharin, etc. as ingredients
Gas in Stomach related symptoms
The most common of them is abdominal distention, that is, that feeling of swelling in the belly, followed by flatulence and eructation. But they may also be present:
– Abdominal pain or cramping
– chest pain
– Pain in the side of the belly, simulating appendicitis
Medical help for Gas in stomach pain or stomach cramps
Generally speaking, gas passes are considered normal, and they happen about 13 to 21 times a day. But there are some people who are more sensitive to them and, for them, the smallest occurrences generate greater discomfort.
On the other hand, gases can be related to certain diseases and, therefore, this symptom needs to be evaluated by a specialist, especially when they increase in frequency and/or intensity, and are still accompanied by other manifestations, which are considered warning signs. so as not to postpone the appointment. Are they:
- Diarrhea
- Fever
- Nausea or vomiting
– Bleeding from the rectum or stool
– Fat in stools
– Weight loss for no apparent reason
The physicians trained to perform this assessment are the general practitioner (generalist) and the gastroenterologist.
How is the excess gas in stomach diagnosis made?
At the time of the appointment, the doctor will listen to your complaint, take a personal and family health history, especially so that you can inform him of habits and behaviors that may be associated with gas.
Be ready to respond to him when gas appears most often, if there is any particular food related to discomfort, or even if you notice that the problem increases in times of stress. All these elements will help the specialist to make the diagnosis, who will also have data from the physical examination that will identify the possible presence of abdominal distension.
“There is no specific test that is indicated in these cases”, says Luiz Ernesto de Almeida Troncon, professor at the Division of Gastroenterology at the Department of Internal Medicine at FMRP-USP.
“But depending on the characteristics of the complaint and the age of the patient, and considering that other diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome or lactose intolerance are related to excess gases, the doctor may request endoscopy and even colonoscopy”, explains the doctor. .
Understand the cure and treatment for the Gas in stomach
Gustavo Lima, physician at the Gastroenterology Outpatient Clinic at HC-UFPE, says that when the gases are related to a disease such as parasitosis or lactose intolerance, for example, they should be treated. When this is not the case, the goal of treatment is to identify the main gas-related symptom to alleviate the discomfort it causes.
Lima adds that, sometimes, the tests performed do not show changes and, therefore, the conduct is to educate the patient to adopt healthy lifestyle habits. This includes a more adequate diet, with reduced consumption of foods that, for him, can trigger the symptom. After all, what can cause gas for some, causes nothing for others.
This measure is associated with the practice of physical and postural exercises. In cases where these measures do not bring the expected response, the use of probiotics may be suggested. “Although there is still no consensus on its effectiveness, it may be an alternative for these patients”, explains the doctor.
In some cases, the use of medication may compose the treatment. The most used are antiflatulents such as simethicone (for certain patients it brings relief), antibiotics, tricyclic antidepressants, antispasmodics, among others.
Major dietary changes to remove gas in stomach
According to nutritionist Flavia Auler, coordinator of the nutrition course at PUC-PR, the most effective dietary measure for people with gas is the FODMAP diet, which stands for Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides and Polyols. Her goal is to reduce the consumption of foods that fall into these categories. Check out some examples of these items:
– Bean
– Pea
– Lentil
– Soy
– artichoke
– Cauliflower
– Cabbage
– asparagus
– Onion
– Garlic
– Carrot
– Plum
– Artificial sweeteners
– Milk derivatives
– Whole grains
The patient is encouraged to answer a questionnaire and keep a kind of diary to identify the foods that, for him, cause gas, distension and abdominal pain. This list is always personalized, the identification process takes time, and will not result in these items being completely excluded from the menu as they have important nutrients. However, a form of ingestion will be found that reduces the discomfort.
Auler adds that it is essential to invest in the balance of the intestinal flora, which is also done by reducing the consumption of ultra-processed foods to the minimum possible: “They are filled with fermentative ingredients such as sugar (disaccharide), xylitol and zorbitol ( polyols), for example, known to cause gases”, he says.
Can gas formation in stomach be prevented? / Home remedies for gas in stomach
When the symptom bothers, but is not related to any illness, it is necessary to be more attentive to the foods and behaviors that increase the discomfort. To prevent this, put the following measures in place:
– Eat more slowly to avoid taking in too much air
– Avoid carbonated drinks
– Prefer to ingest fluids and eat fruits 1 hour after meals
– Reduce the consumption of chewing gum and hard candies
– Prefer to use straws when ingesting liquids
– Avoid foods that contain fructose, sucrose, sorbitol and raffinose
– Add ginger, cumin, parsley, basil, dill to your daily menu. These herbs have been proven to relieve the symptom.
Tags: instantly remove gas in stomach / home remedies for gas in stomach / gas in stomach cure and treatment / stomach cramps gurgling / Gas bubble in stomach / Release trapped gas in stomach